
Skriftlig engelsk eksamen 2012

29. maj 2012 af ninahellehelle (Slettet) - Niveau: A-niveau

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Jeg har idag været til skriftlig engelsk eksamen i engelsk A niveau STX, 3.g afsluttende studentereksamen.. Jeg synes selv, det gik rimelig dårligt! Jeg valgte en non-fiction tekst, skrevet af Russell Brand:" Big Brother is not watching you." Man blev bedt om at analysere og kommentere på hans artikel. Derudover skal ens essay også inkludere skribentens style og attitude.

Jeg er virkelig i vildrede mht. Hvor jeg ligger på karakterskalaen? Nogle der gider kigge den igennem, og give en vurdering? :-)


Jeg håber selv på 7 eller hvis værst, 4 :-) Fx er der ingen indledning, og teksten fylder kun 890 ord - skal fylde 900 til 1200. 

Russell Brand has a large range of qualities. Russell Brand possesses the occupation both as an actor, a comedian and a writer. Russell Brand, therefore, has a certain opportunity to make this commentary very humorous and interesting for his receivers, whom are probably the English citizens, according to his manifold talents. In doing so, he has a different way of depicting the central problem with the use of irony, sarcasm and other oddities, for instance on page 1, ll. 7-10: “Except when I worked for Big Brother, then it was my job to slosh about in the amplified trivia of the housmates/inmates. Sometimes it was actually quite bloody interesting. Particularly the year that Nadia won. Remember? No? Well, that’s the nature of the medium.”  Russell Brand uses irony as a stylistic device, to make fun of the way contemporary society has become a platform for several reality TV shows. Russell Brands also uses several anecdotes from his own life and experiences, yet still it is formal. But Russell Brand has a personal language with the use of personal pronouns such as “I,” “We”. That means, he wants to speak directly to his receivers.  Therefore, the attitude, is very personal and wants to affect the receivers and make them reflect, not only on the riots, but also their daily life as well.
Russell Brand writes both about the superficial reality shows and the genuine problem, the riots, at the same time. It is possible to divide the commentary into different sections: the first section(ll.1-20), the second section(ll. 20-63), the third section(ll. 63-91) and then the last section(ll. 92-120), which various from discussing and commenting on politics, philosophy(Gandhi) and the financial crisis in 2008.  As a result, his intention with this commentary starts out a bit vague, since the first section is mostly about criticizing reality shows. However, in section two (l. 23), his intention becomes clear. Russell Brand wants to argue about how the riots should be handled in the aftermath and discuss why they happened and which parameters that caused it.
Furthermore, his message becomes crystal clear in the end: of  “If we want to live in a society where people feel included, we must include them, where they feel represented, we must represent them and where they feel love and compassion for their communities then we, the members of that community, must find love and compassion for them.”(p. 10, ll. 14-17).  This clearly shows the rhetorical situation, Russell Brand, is in: to discuss and argue about how the riots were being dealt with. With the use of anaphor’s, such as “We” used several times, the writer states his intention even more clear. Russell Brand wants people to act on the riots and consider, whether what has been done by the conservative government, is the right solution or there might have been other posterior problems.
Hence, Russell Brand’s approach is not considered from many different angles. He is mostly against David Cameron and the Conservative Party: “ I remember Cameron saying: “hug a hoodie” but I haven’t seen him doing it. Why would he? Hoodies don’t vote, they’ve realised it’s pointless, that whoever gets elected will just be a different shade of the “we don’t give a toss about you” party.”(p. 9, ll. 91-93).Yet, what about the moral aspect? Russell Brand does not state many different opinions. For instance the fact that a citizen should respect and behave in an orderly manner to respect society. Yet, on the other hand, Russell Brand writes, that modern society might also have something to say about the riots. In addition, he comments on consumerism and Russell Brands mentions Margaret Thatcher as a lady, who made it harder for the marginalized to interact in society. To emphasize his point of view on modern society and the break of norms and values, he uses a personal experience where he attended in a anarchist protest: “ I found those protests exiting, yes, because I was young and a bit of a twerp but also, I suppose, because there was a void in me. A lack of direction, a sense that I was not invested in the dominant culture.” (p. 9, ll. 74-75).  In post-modern society this might be relevant, since Russell Bland talks about emptiness and no direction, which is typical for this certain period.   According to Anthony Giddens(English sociologist) and other sociologist there are not the same coherent community as before and we have become more individualized and rootless without standard norms and values.
Even though there are some good statements and arguments, Russell Brands,  points out, that he as a writer, is not reliable, since he states, he does not know anything about politics. Still, he might not be assertive in that way, but with the use of irony he achieves to become very convincing.
Russell Brands wants a coherent society, where it is not about social deprivation yet more about a genuine community where the government focuses on other factors than the moral aspect such as social deprivation. To support his intention he uses irony and sarcasm throughout the commentary as a feature of his style.  Consequently,  he succeeds in convincing that there are a need for a change.




Brugbart svar (2)

Svar #1
29. maj 2012 af Jensen11 (Slettet)

hej jeg var os oppe idag i skr engelsk. ved du hvordan man sletter et spørgsmål som man har oprettet herinde? 

Svar #2
29. maj 2012 af ninahellehelle (Slettet)

Nej det ved jeg desværre ikke! Hvordan gik det? Har du tid til at kigge på overstående og vurdere, hvilken karakter, den er til?

Brugbart svar (2)

Svar #3
29. maj 2012 af Jensen11 (Slettet)

syns heller ikke ligesom dig at det gik super godt. Jeg valgte at skrive om novellen "...Divorced, Beheaded, Survived.

Har læst den igennem, og jeg synes sådan set at det ser rimelig godt ud. Måske trækker det lidt ned at du ikke har en indledning, men angående at du har skrevet 890 ord, så det ikk noget du skal tage alvorligt. Det nægter jeg i hvert fald at tro på. Jeg skrev derimod for meget. Nåede op på lidt over 1300 ord. Derudover så nåede jeg ikke rigtig at rette den igennem før tiden var udløbet. Tror jeg ligger på et 4 tal, men håber self på et 7 tal. 

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #4
29. maj 2012 af Jensen11 (Slettet)

der er enkelte stavefejl og lidt med kommaer, men ellers tror jeg den ligger på et 7 tal din stil :)

Brugbart svar (2)

Svar #5
29. maj 2012 af ping317 (Slettet)

Fuck, har ikke lavet nok comment tror jeg... anyhow, tror det er et sted mellem 4 og 7, bliver nok tippet af dit grønne ark ;) sprog er ok, formalia og opbygning ikke fantastisk men bestemt heller ikke dårligt, du formår at undgå at lave det til en samfundsfagsraport :) Iøvrigt er det en dårlig idet at begynde et afsnit med futhermore.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #6
29. maj 2012 af ping317 (Slettet)

iøvrigt tror jeg det er en dårlig idé at inddrage giddens. du er lidt forsvaret af, at det siger comment, men et non-fiction essay er IKKE en samfundfags stil, eller en dansk kronik, og dit fokus skal således være teksten mere end temaet. Vil sige comment on skal forståes som at du kommentere på stilen osv og hvordan det virker på dig, ikke emnet :)

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #7
29. maj 2012 af armin100 (Slettet)

Hej jeg har også skrevet den opgave, synes mit gik af lort til også :((((


Big Brother isn’t watching you

It is important for almost everybody to live in a society where people feel welcome, included and loved. But it is not always easy to create this in a society where there so many different people. A big multicultural city as London has problems.  There are people who want to destroy their communities by during riots in the cities. Russell Brand an English comedian, actor and writer tries in his commentary “Big Brother isn’t watching you” from 2011 to understand why you people do riots  and why it so bad in London.

(…) “ I no longer live in London”( line 1, page1) Russell Brand makes it from the beginning clear that he no longer lives in the big multicultural city London,  but now he is been transplanted to Los Angeles by a Combination of love and money. When he lived in London he used to work for Big Brother where he tension sometimes was pretty high. Some was kicked off in the house, doors were smashed, police was called and tapes edited. It was so bad that he was warned to be discreet about the extents violence.
From his big brothers job Russell moves to the week’s riots in London, where even the president came back from his holiday. Russell says that is not the absence from territory does not bother him. Even through bad things in England happen, he still fell proud to be English and a Londoner, but he still wonders why such things in London Happen. .”I Naturally began wonder what would make young people destroy their community” (Line 35, page 2)
He has spoken to his friends in London and Manchester and they all have sounded furthered and hopeless. Russell tries to understanding why it happened, but it almost seems impossible for him. “But I can’, form my ivory tower in Hollywood Hills, compete with the understandable yet futile rhetoric describing the rioters as mindless.”  (Line 40, page 2)
They only thing he knows is; that riots is mindless and nothing else and it just ruins the beautiful city.
He uses Tariq Johan as an example to make it more specific. He is the father of a young man, who was killed in riots. Tariq Johan has spoken eloquently from his position of painful proximity and Mark Duggan’s death is badly handled out. But no one thinks about that there is a reason for these Conflagrations in Tottenham. Theresa May the home secretary said the fire was “unacceptable” Russell gets very upset about Theresa May’s very simple word use.  It almost sound like the conflagration was not a big deal, and there are more important things to discuss. “Wow!” That’s guys! What a wonder full use of planet’s fast-depleting” ( Line 51, page 2)
He defiantly expiated stronger and more words from the home secretary, but she took it more relaxed.
Instead of just accepting it he thinks they should work out why it actually happened. There obviously manly people who do not fell home in their own city.  Here he mentions “Criminal crating” chemical leak in London, Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham that is causing you people to spontaneously and simultaneously violent.  The problem is that humans want to be in groups and consider things together. Then Russell tells that he has been arrested for criminal damage for his part in ant capitalist protest. He often attended protest and in his early 20s he took drugs. He also says that he enjoyed when the protest lost direction and became chaotic, but he also got involved in a fight with a police officer.
Russell brand tells his personal story to make it more personal and give the readers aside from one who already have been arrested for criminal damage. By telling his story he hopes that people can see why it happened and that nothing happened without a reason. He knows that he was young and stupid but he is not afraid of telling the truth. “ I suppose because there was a void in me” A lack of direction,  a sense that I was not invested in the dominant culture, that government existed not to look after the interests of the people it was elected to represent but the big business that they are in bed with. “ ( line 75, page 3)
In his personal story it also becomes obviously that he see the criminals in the cities as victims, who do not have found their place in the society. Therefore Russell blames the government for the society, and not the criminals. He has once been one “of the bad guys” The politicians do not represent the interest of people who do not vote or the barely care about them who actually vote. Therefore he is not even surprised that young people behave badly. They are invisible to the people who have the power. His opinion is that young people do not have sense of community because they have not been given one.
At the end he says he does not have a solution of the problem, but he knows the solution is all around us and the solution is spiritual. Here he uses Gandhi’s quotation “ Be the change you want to see in the world” ( line 112, page 4)
Therefore he comes to an answer to the problem in society and it is; that people must include people in society, represent them and find love and compassion for them.
In the beginning of the commentary Russell brand tells about his experience with big brother, where the headline is from. “Big brother isn’t watching you” It means the real world is almost like in big brother and he compares the society with a reality program.  Then he moves on to what happened this week and then he reflects about why it happened.   He is very subjective when he is telling his story, and then it becomes clear what his actually purpose with this commentary is: Not to blame the young people who are during riots but to blame the government who created the society.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #8
29. maj 2012 af Hijsa

Det er måske lidt dumt af jer at sætte jeres stil ind på en offentlig hjemmeside før censor har rettet og givet karakter, synes i ikke?

Det er da ligemeget hvad folk herinde synes om jeres stile, det der tæller er den karakter censor giver. Hvis man ikke er tilfreds og føler man er uretfærdig behandlet kan man jo altid klage.

Svar #9
29. maj 2012 af ninahellehelle (Slettet)

Mit grønne ark, delprøven, gik meget blandet også. Første del rettede og kommenterede jeg alle fejl. Anden del bøjede jeg de fleste verber, men kunne ikke finde reglen dertil. Tredje afsnit var ok og oversættelsen fik jeg kun lavet halvdelen af :/

Svar #10
29. maj 2012 af ninahellehelle (Slettet)

Du kan have ret i, at det nok ikke hjælper at lægge det ind her. Det er som nævnt, ikke vores afgørelse overhovedet. Jeg tror bare, jeg gerne ville have en midlertidig vurdering, for var bange for at den lå på 02. 

Brugbart svar (3)

Svar #11
30. maj 2012 af mariaFaaaa (Slettet)

Home Secretary staves med stort :)

Svar #12
30. maj 2012 af ninahellehelle (Slettet)

Ja ok :-) 

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #13
31. maj 2012 af mariaFaaaa (Slettet)

Er der en som har evt lyst til at læse min opgave igennem :)
I må gerne give en vurdering af hvor den lægger hen :)
tak på forhånd

Vedhæftet fil:Engelsk Eksamen.docx

Brugbart svar (4)

Svar #14
15. juni 2012 af backus (Slettet)

På Studienetsiden her kan I finde guldnoter og guldbesvarelser til begge opgaverne + delprøve 1, og se om I har fået det mest relevante med.

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