
Hej er der nogen der vil se min skriftlig engelsk eksamen på A niveau igennem?

19. maj 2008 af speedometer007 (Slettet)
The short story “In the National Gallery”(2007) by Doris Lessing is about an I person and a man in the sixties who is reminded of his unattainable love from his youth when he sees a young French girl who is like the girl he loved.
In the text we are dealing with a first person narrative who is taking of a free hour in the National Gallery. The I person is biased on some points which, however, doesn’t have any importance to the story e.g. “Well-behaved girls should not mock and giggle in a public gallery” The short story is taking place over a short period of time probably not more than an hour or two. The story is also focusing on a single event which is very characteristic for short stories. The main characters are the I person, whom we don’t get the name or age of, and the man who is sitting next to him. The sixteen years old French girl is also playing a major role in the story but she is only being watched.
The story is simply about the narrator who is, through inner monologue, at first only describing what he can se and hear the two men who sits next to him is talking about. The narrator starts talking with the old man after they have been staring at the gorgeous French girl. The narrator has a good understanding with the man, which is seen e.g. on line 77 where he immediately understands how the man’s situation must have been. Both sitting on the bench keeps on staring at the girl and talking about her and the man’s earlier love. When the girl is leaving the old man decides to follow her and then the narrator tells the possible consequences of it. It is not worth the candle in his opinion. As readers we are left without a resolution and a curiosity of what would happen to the old man.
The language is low-keyed. It resembles spoken language among other things because the text is marked by dialogue. There are used simple words, but there are some words which differ from the degree of difficulty compared to rest of the text. E.g. on line 48 where the word “vivacious” is used but what’s funny here is that the word is described by a synonym in the same sentence, a word later (“so lively”). Part of the text is written in paratactic style which is a literary technique that favours short and simple coordinated main clauses which is especially seen in the dialogues. The paratactic style is very close to the spoken language that’s also why it seems more natural to use it in dialogues.
The narrator is making use of similes i.e. on l. 122: …”, for elation rises in them like bubbles in liquid…” In this example the narrator is drawing a comparison between liquid and girls.
The text is smeared in adjectives adverbs especially when the narrator describes the girls and what they are doing.
The narrator must be past 40 because he has the time to sit and discuss with an unknown old man, which normally young people don’t prefer and have time to and finally because of the fact that he is talking on the same level as the elder man.
If we take a look at the horse painting by George Stubbs and Ronald Moody’s sculpture “The Onlooker” we can find two of the character from the short story, precisely the French girl as the horse who is very effervescent and attractive but at the same time very dangerous like what a horse can be. The colour red is the colour for love and blood. So she is capable of giving love and absorbing the spirit from men. The sculpture could be the narrator who is sitting as an onlooker and looking, he is not very prominent like the colour grey from the sculpture.
Our third character, the old man, can be found in “There eyes were watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston as the women who “…forget all those things they don’t want to remember, and remember everything they don’t want to forget”. The old man forgets his age and everything when he sees this young girl who looks like the girl he was in love with when he was a child. He starts to live out his dream and act like he is capable of getting her love by following her even though it would be impossible for most of us.
Doris Lessing uses a first person narrative in his short story. In this story the narrator is a minor participant in the story. The first-person narrative is always directly involved in the story. Doris Lessing uses this I person to tell the story instead of a third-person even tough that he is not a part of an act or something like that. By using a first-person narrative he is more effectively getting the reader intellectually and emotionally involved. The American Poets and critics Kennedy and Gioia claim that a first-person narrator often suggests a certain bias, especially when the narrator describes events in which he or she played a part, this is not really the case in this story, the narrator remains loyal to what he see and experience. Of course he is subjective, but he is able to build up his reliability which is important if he wants us to believe in what he says. One of the things a narrator must not do in order to become reliable is to change one’s mind. The text can be split into three parts; the first one where the narrator is describing what he is going to do and why. The second part when the narrator is describing the conversation between the two men who sits next to him and his own conversation with the man while they are looking at the girl. The third part is when he describes the action the elder man takes in order to come closer to the girl.
It is not through the author Doris Lessings point of view we are told the story, but a narrator whom he creates.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
19. maj 2008 af TanteOda (Slettet)

- Overall: Pas på med alt for mange forkortelser, der mangler kommaer.

Kommentarer til følgende udpluk:
The language is low-keyed. It resembles spoken language among other things because the text is marked by dialogue. There are used simple words, but there are some words which differ from the degree of difficulty compared to rest of the text. E.g. on line 48 where the word “vivacious” is used but what’s funny here is that the word is described by a synonym in the same sentence, a word later (“so lively”). Part of the text is written in paratactic style which is a literary technique that favours short and simple coordinated main clauses which is especially seen in the dialogues. The paratactic style is very close to the spoken language that’s also why it seems more natural to use it in dialogues.

- "among other things" - what things? Er det smart at skrive sådan?
- "There are used simple words, but there are some words which differ from the degree of difficulty compared to rest of the text" kunne godt formuleres bedre. There are used + differ from the degree of difficulty + to rest
- "E.g." skriv det ud
- (“so lively”) - dobbeltbrug af tegn, hvorfor sætter du ordet i parantes?
- "that’s also why it seems more natural to use it in dialogues".. For meget "it", indsæt det rette ord, der erstatter "it". Husk komma før sætning.


Brugbart svar (2)

Svar #2
19. maj 2008 af zzup (Slettet)

Er ked af at sige det, men er det HELE din stil?

Når vi skal skrive engelsk stil. Så er der Nr 1 skal fylde min 200ord, oversættelsen skal bare oversættes, også den sidste opgave skal fylde min 700 ord, og kan da se, at dét er det du har skrevet der, langt fra.

Svar #3
19. maj 2008 af speedometer007 (Slettet)

Nu ved jeg ikke om du har talt efter, men min ordtæller i word fortæller mig at der er 1030 ord....

Og desuden har jeg skulle oversætte noget her?

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #4
19. maj 2008 af Occulta (Slettet)

Du går på en anden uddannelse, hvor også skriftlig engelsk er anderledes. #0 har lavet stilen efter retningslinjerne for stx A-niveau.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #5
26. maj 2008 af n_mette (Slettet)

Jeg ved ikke om det er lidt farligt at sige "The I person is biased on some points which, however, doesn’t have any importance to the story".. selvom jeg nu syntes der var noget om det da det var en virkelig underlig historie..
Under omstændighederne (at det var et lorte opgave sæt) syntes jeg at det er A-delen er ganske glimerende.
Du kunne måske godt have brugt de sekundære tekster lidt mere.
B-delen er dog lidt vag syntes jeg...

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #6
26. september 2008 af ChristianChrisso (Slettet)

Vil lige sige til B-delen at du har lavet en lille fejl, Doris Lessing er en kvindelig forfatter, du bruger ofte "he" i stedet for "she"

Brugbart svar (3)

Svar #7
07. oktober 2008 af Party ål (Slettet)

Den er okay selvom der desværre er en del småfejl rundt omkring. Du skal desuden passe på at du ikke gør dine sætninger for lange og indviklede. Det gælder, i en analyse, om at sige det du vil sige så kort som muligt.


"The short story “In the National Gallery”(2007) by Doris Lessing is about an I person and a man in the sixties who is reminded of his unattainable love from his youth when he sees a young French girl who is like the girl he loved." 

Jeg ville nok skrive det noget i denne stil:

"In the National Gallery"(2007) is a short story by Doris Lessing. The story is written in a 1st person narrator who is a man in his sixties. He is reminded... osv

Det skaber mere overblik når sætningskonstruktionerne er simple og det trækker ikke karakteren ned så længe du har et godt sprog. 

Btw så skriver man kun "an" foran vokallyd. Ellers bruger man "a": A 1st person narrator...  

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #8
16. november 2008 af Squashbuddie (Slettet)

Må man spørge hvad du fik for den? :)

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #9
08. marts 2009 af becamo (Slettet)

hvor henne er din fortolkning af teksten? du snakker næsten kun om hvordan sproget er og sån...

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #10
14. april 2009 af Zharndaar (Slettet)


Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #11
28. april 2009 af Kaaamilla (Slettet)

Stilen er rent faktisk for lang, da man efter reglerne for A-niveau på stx kun må skrive mellem 7-900 ord i opgave A, og 2-300 ord i opgave B.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #12
13. april 2010 af 07ni (Slettet)

I person skriver du? Det hedder altså main character........bare husk at nævne at "the short story is written in first person narrative".........

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #13
13. april 2010 af 07ni (Slettet)

 til party ålen : Du må aldrig skrive 1st person narrative......det anses som en fejl i engelsk........du skal skrive first person narrative ;)

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