
Engelsk stil, 900 ord

30. august 2005 af soren_and (Slettet)
Er der nogen, der lige vil skimme min engelsk stil igennem? Den er lidt lang.. Tak!

You cannot find two people in this world that are completely alike. But despite this fact nearly six billion people live together in relative harmony. One thing that can destroy this harmony however is the difference in human belief. Conflicts between different religions have been one of the main causes for world conflicts and it still is today.
The short-story ‘Good Girl’ is written by Marita Conlon-McKenna and published in 2001. The story takes place in Northern Ireland. We do not know when it takes place but it is probably in modern times. It is not a rich environment the main character, Chrissy, lives in. It is probably a Catholic part of the town she lives in. We can say that because we have knowledge about the conflict between Catholics and Protestants and know that they are not likely to live as next-door neighbours. A third-person omniscient narrator tells the story.
Chrissy is a pretty, young Catholic with long auburn hair. She works as a babysitter and is rather intelligent. She does not seem to notice the conflict between Catholics and Protestants. It looks as if Chrissy has two different personalities. When she is at home she is impolite towards her family in the sense that she speaks indecently. But she is still very loving to her family. However when she is not at home she seems to loose some of her confidence in herself. That is also why she follows Eilish to the lakeshore and why she does not resist when Eilish and her friends torture Chrissy. She does not have the power to stand up to them.
Chrissy has a good relationship with her younger sister, Gemma. Gemma looks up to Chrissy and wants to be just like her. Even though Chrissy can get incredibly annoyed with Gemma she still loves her. Chrissy’s relationship with her older sister, Anna, is however not as tight as with Gemma. It is probably because they are different from each other. As Chrissy says, Anna seems to be very grown-up. In fact she seems to be an extra mother for Chrissy because she sees to that Chrissy gets all of her homework done and because she is concerned for Chrissy when she goes out.
The reason why Chrissy is going out is that she is meeting Ian. Ian is a young Protestant she met at the school debate four months ago. Chrissy is very much in love with him. But although they have been together for four months Chrissy has still not met Ian’s parents. This is probably because Ian does not want his family to know that he is dating a Catholic girl. But despite this fact I still think that Ian is also in love with Chrissy.
But a relationship between a Catholic girl and a Protestant boy is not acceptable in Northern Ireland. That is one of the reasons why Eilish kidnaps Chrissy and tortures her. Eilish and her friends want to show Chrissy that the Catholic community will not allow these kinds of things to happen. That is why the text is called ‘Good Girl’. Eilish and her friends wants Chrissy to behave like a good Catholic girl.
Eilish Dunne is a year ahead of Chrissy in school. She is petite and has peroxide-blonde hair. Eilish’s father is in prison and she keeps blaming everyone else for that. According to Eilish and her friends, Ian’s father is responsible for putting Eilish’s father and several other Catholics in prison. This would suggest a motive for Eilish hurting Chrissy. She does probably not have the courage to confront Ian or someone else from his family with her anger, so she takes it out on Chrissy. And she uses the fact that Ian is Protestant as an excuse.
But why does Ian reject Chrissy in the end of the story? I think he has probably already heard of what had happened to Chrissy and does not want their relationship to go any further. Not only for her safety but also for his own. He probably already knew from the start that their relationship could not last forever. But Chrissy did not. She did not, as I wrote earlier, pay much attention to the conflict between Catholics and Protestants and therefore could not see the long-term consequences. The letter Chrissy writes Ian in the end shows us that she did not learn anything from the experience with Eilish and her friends. We do not know what is in the letter, but I think it is a description of her painful experience and a declaration of her undying love for him. But sadly he rejects her letter so we will never know.
It is obvious that the main theme of the text is religion. We see in the text what affects a conflict like the one in Northern Ireland can have. Even for young people’s lives.
It is disheartening watching these endless fights between religions because all religions are fundamentally based on the same ideas. All religions have origin in the same set of ideals. People should remember that they were first human beings and then religious beings. We are all part of the same species. Sadly, the one thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to kill each other whenever we have the slightest disagreement. And that is both frightening and sickening!

Brugbart svar (3)

Svar #1
31. august 2005 af PhoSpheer (Slettet)

Har kun lige kigget den hurtigt igennem. Men gennemgående ser det fint ud. Der er lige nogle enkelte små bøffer, men det er det hele.

Brugbart svar (4)

Svar #2
01. december 2010 af Emillica (Slettet)

 God analyse! Måske skulle du bare dele referatet og analysen op, så den ikke hænger sammen. :)

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