
Hvilken alternativ hypotese?

19. september 2018 af Lauramattesen (Slettet) - Niveau: Universitet/Videregående


Jeg har denne opgave, hvoraf jeg mener at den alternative hypotese burde være H_1: \mu _1\neq \mu _2, men min lærer mener at det er H_1: \mu _1\ < \mu _2

Nogen der kan hjælpe mig med at forstå hvorfor?

Opgavebeskrivelsen er givet forneden:

"In a chemical process, the final product of a batch process is measured for the active ingredient. The technicians would like to test the current equipment used for the measurements against a new equipment they might potentially purchase. Hence they collect 5 samples for each equipment from 10 different batches. The data in terms of the percentage of active ingredient is given below.


Assume that the measurements are drawn from two independent normal distributions.

Assuming the true variances for the two equipments are unknown and unequal, what is the hypothesis?

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